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Category Archives: Rant

The Dangers of Kindle Reading

I love reading. My anxiety has basically reduced the amount of reading I do from a novel a week to something more along the lines of a novel a month or a season. It sucks, but that’s life. I still try to force myself to power through some books. In fact I have a tendency […]

My Anxiety Has a First Name, It’s Richard

Recently I was in a car with another man. (Yeah I know. This is getting good already). He was driving us to New Orleans for some nerdy “recreation” when we started doing something that is totally socially unacceptable in most states. We were talking reasonably about politics and religion. Both! I know right? WHO DOES […]


I don’t do politics here. I don’t do politics for two basic reasons: 1) I want people to be entertained and 2) there is just SO much that is asinine about politics that I would end up drowning the blog in meaningless dross. Wait, don’t I do that second one anyway? Regardless, I don’t do […]

To Bail Out a Mockingbird

I don’t know if you know this or not, but bailing someone out of jail is boring. You arrive at a location at a particular time and talk to someone then wait. Eventually a bail bondsman will appear, take a random amount of money from you, and you wait. You may get an update and […]

Dear Mr. Upper Arm, Screw You. Love Joe

So for some reason I was under the impression that the more you exercise the better you felt. Isn’t that what skinny a$$holes have been telling me all my life? Well in case you didn’t know the answer is yes, they are a$$holes. OH! and they said those things too. They also said stuff like […]

The State of Debate

So I like this FoxNews show called RedEye. Why do I like this show? Because Greg Gutfeld reminds me of an older, more fit me. That and the guests and hosts usually have some interesting and or funny takes on the “news” of the day. Oh and also they play some of the best and […]


My least favorite terrain in these United States belongs in Oklahoma. Its flat. Incredibly flat. Oklahoma is the Milla Jovovich of states. FLAT. I contend that the entire state resides on a single hill of about three feet in height. Oklahoma City resides on the “pinnacle” of the hill and can be seen almost as soon as you enter the state and constantly looms on the horizon like some eternal taunt. Damn you founders of Oklahoma. After leaving Oklahoma City it’s image continues to loom within your rear view mirror as a constant reminder that you are in Oklahoma. Oklahoma City itself is quite nice from what I remember. I doubt I’ll ever return.

Learning is kewl. Relearning bites.

I love learning new things. Relearning things is really annoying. Several years ago my wife started the difficult task of teaching me HTML. With time and a couple books from BAM I mastered basic HTML. Of course mastering HTML made me realize that web pages don’t end with HTML, there are several technologies potentially in […]