So today I helped my Father-In-Law take some parts off an old Ford F150 he owns. During the course of torture … er sorry … During the process I got rather hot, tired, bruised, and filthy. When getting cleaned up I realized something that I’ve been ignoring for a while now. Men and women are […]
I don’t do politics here. I don’t do politics for two basic reasons: 1) I want people to be entertained and 2) there is just SO much that is asinine about politics that I would end up drowning the blog in meaningless dross. Wait, don’t I do that second one anyway? Regardless, I don’t do […]
Umm … I’m 40 now. Well, 40 and change. And by change I mean almost 41.
Man I love the way I write. Really, I do. If there was someone that wrote like me consistently, I think I could almost read that crap consistently.
I come to this conclusion because after a few months of relative silence, I’ve come back to the site and I’ve fallen in love with it all over again. Damn I’m good. Well at the very least entertaining.
If there is a single thing less worthwhile to strive to obtain, I know it not. Fame is the messy by product of doing something well. It should never, ever be a goal. In fact if your main goal in life is to be famous, I seriously think you should not belong in the gene […]
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So for some reason I was under the impression that the more you exercise the better you felt. Isn’t that what skinny a$$holes have been telling me all my life? Well in case you didn’t know the answer is yes, they are a$$holes. OH! and they said those things too. They also said stuff like […]
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
I stumbled upon this while reading the recommended items in my Google Reader. Here’s a tangent for you, “Why does Google Reader think I’m an Atheist?” I think it is all the links my future-flaming-in-Hell-friends send me that makes Google think I’ve broken my bonds with the Creator. Or maybe Google likes to taunt. You […]
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Within the past few months I’ve made a seriously bad error in judgment; I started playing racquetball. And I love it. You know who doesn’t love racquetball? My shins. My shins hate the game so much that they furiously complain, sometimes for days at a time, any time I’ve played. Yes and my shins seem […]
Monday, September 27, 2010
So I like this FoxNews show called RedEye. Why do I like this show? Because Greg Gutfeld reminds me of an older, more fit me. That and the guests and hosts usually have some interesting and or funny takes on the “news” of the day. Oh and also they play some of the best and […]
The brain is primarily fat. The weight of average human brain: 1350g. Calories per gram of fat 9. The average human brain has around 12,150 calories. So using this formula one can determine that zombies should all be really fat, either that or the average zombie has an INSANE metabolism.